It was high tide (2.8m) at around 9am. I fished with kelong sotongs and dead prawns. At around 11am, my 12 feet rod with a sotong bait rocked violently. I rushed up to retrieve it but there was already nothing on the line. It must be a big fish that got away. I was disappointed and changed to a better hook. But now I also know this is a good spot and sotong is a good bait!
At around 12 plus, my 5 feet rod rang slightly - like a small fish bit. But as I jerked back the line, the weight was tremendous! Then the fight of my life began. This thing on the other end was really strong and though my drag was very high, it still managed to pull some line away. But after a tedious fight, I finally managed to see this stingray and then land it on the rocks. Then carefully I brought it onto the land.
This guy must be aroung 3kg. Biggest for me so far. I know the bigger ones can go beyond 10kg. But I believe this is a good orientation for me!
This is really a good trip. Learned many things. Also observed a man who caught sand worms skilfully. Must try one day.
I'm also very pleased with my 5 ft rod, braided line and daichi hooks. They are truly trustworthy. I feel like switching to daichi hooks for good!
Anyway, looking forward to my next trip to this spot!